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The Stylish Appeal of Recycled Wood

by Kristen Bergeron January 19, 2017

The Stylish Appeal of Recycled Wood

Our glorious planet is a place that's made up of various finite resources. As its residents, it is our job to take those resources and use them efficiently and beautifully.

Recycling is essentially the magical action of taking one item and turning it into another. Rework, reuse, repaint, refurbish. Take something old and make it new again.

At The Wood Reserve, we're proud to offer a wide collection of recycled wood products. Whether it's scrap wood that would typically go in the trash, or previously used skateboards and whiskey barrels, the materials used in these products once lived another life and served another purpose. 

These gorgeous reinventions are products you can feel good about owning or giving. Revel in the luxury of a purchase that comes with a history all its own.

Here's a few of our favorite recycled wood products!

1. The Juglan Nut Watch, Made from Recycled Walnut Wood

Recycled Walnut Wood Watch

2. Whiskey Barrel Bolt Action Wood Pen

Recycled Whiskey Barrel Wood Bolt Action Pen

3. Boulevard, Recycled Skate Deck Sunglasses

 Recycled Skate Deck Wood Sunglasses

4. Round Recycled Whiskey Barrel Wood Cufflinks

Recycled Whiskey Barrel Wood Cufflinks

5. Whiskey Barrel Wood Watch

Whiskey Barrel Wood Watch

Kristen Bergeron
Kristen Bergeron


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